*Disclaimer* I mean no disrespect to anyone mentioned in my posts or friends/family of the people involved. Any information used in my blogs is found on the internet or in books, and then compiled together for my posts. I do not claim the information in my post to be 100% accurate.

My Microblading Experience | Part 2

| On
March 02, 2019

How did I feel on the day?

The day was finally here and I was freaking out. I was also tired because we had been at a party the night before, but back to the point... As I didn't know what the pain would be like I decided it was best to cover my eyebrows in numbing cream and hope that it worked! 

I had a mini panic attack while we were on the way there because I thought I was going to be late. I hate being late for stuff, and I didn't want to lose my appointment. However, my panicking was uncalled for as we got there just on time.

When I got there she wiped my makeup off, drew the shape I asked her for and then checked I was happy with the shape. She also told me that I had one eyebrow lower than the other! Which was a surprise to me! I knew one was thinner but I didn't know I was uneven. 😅After we got the shape down and we were happy, I laid on the bed and it was time to begin the procedure.

What did it feel like?

When she started I didn't feel it at all and was able to lay there without any pain. The one thing I noticed was the sound, and I heard that scraping sound every time she dragged the needles across my eyebrow. Honestly, it was awful at first but I got used to it eventually.

Between each step she would apply more numbing cream to make sure I was comfortable, but I have to admit it started to get raw. It was still bearable but when she went over one area 5-6 times I started to feel it. 

There were points when she was doing the inside of my brows that I wanted to sneeze, and that was because it was so close to my nose. I felt like I spent most of my time fighting them back!

Before and after shot! Ignore the lack of makeup and redness haha.
The aftercare information was given to me on an A4 sheet of paper, and it gave me in-depth instructions on how to care for them. I was also given an ointment to use daily to help the healing process. It has been awkward avoiding water in the shower and I haven't been able to exercise as sweating on them would affect the healing too.

How has the healing process been?

Day 1-3: The first few days were okay but they were very red. My eyebrows were a bit sore but it was manageable. They looked dark and exactly how they did when they were just done. I expected them to look dark, but that isn't a problem for me because I like that look a lot.

Day 3-7: One word: Itchy! For the whole 4 days, it was a constant battle to resist the urge to give them a good scratch. They also started to scab a fair bit and they became patchy as the scabs started to fall off naturally. They looked a lot lighter where the scab had come away, but I was reassured they do go darker when it heals further. (It still made me worry they were going to be too light.)

Day 7 -14: More of the scabs started to fall away after day 7 and the itching subsided. They started to get a bit darker where they faded before. I had to fight the urge to pluck them, as she told me not to do that while they healed. I guess I am so used to plucking I can't help myself, but that's what got me here in the first place! 😅

What happens next?

I have my touch up booked in April and I am kind of excited about it! I may go a bit darker this time because I like the way they look that way. I'm happy with the result so far and would recommend it to anyone that overplucked like me.

The next post I write about this will be after my touch up and about the final results! I hope you enjoyed this post, and if you have any questions let me know in the comments. 😊

You can find part one of this series here. Thank you for reading!
11 comments on "My Microblading Experience | Part 2"
  1. They look really good! I’ve been curious to try microblading myself but I have super sensitive skin, like after plucking only a couple of hairs they go bright red! The results look so good though that I might have to go for it one day.

  2. They look amazing! I've always wanted to have my brows microbladed but been wary because I've heard it can be uncomfortable afterwards! I may have to have a rethink about it! x

    Lucy | www.lucymary.co.uk

  3. Those are good results, looking forward to the touch-up! I've considered microblading before but my eyebrows are so light and non-existent it might look a bit strange if I suddenly own a proper pair haha!

  4. Looks really good! Not sure I would do it but after seeing yours I might reconsider.

  5. They looks great! Glad you got on ok, looks very sore though I think I'll stick to waxing haha x

  6. That was so interesting, you explained the procedure very well. So glad you are happy with them, they look lovely.

  7. they look awesome! That experience sounds terrifying haha but it looks great!

  8. Wow your brows look amazing! How long did the procedure take? Microblading is something I have considered - my eyebrows are terrible and I always draw them on wonky xxx


  9. Looks great! Thank you for sharing your experience on microblading. This is an excellent article.

  10. I've always been interesting in microblading so it was good to read about your experience. The results looks really good too. I might consider it for my skinny and patchy eyebrows lol x


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