*Disclaimer* I mean no disrespect to anyone mentioned in my posts or friends/family of the people involved. Any information used in my blogs is found on the internet or in books, and then compiled together for my posts. I do not claim the information in my post to be 100% accurate.

The Myrtles Plantation | The Most Haunted House in America?

| On
April 27, 2019

The plantation was built in 1796 in Lousiana by General David Bradford, also known as "Whiskey David". A nickname he got due to his role in the Whiskey Rebellion. Originally the plantation was called Laurel Grove, and David lived alone for years until his family joined him after he was pardoned for his part in the Whiskey Rebellion.

Myrtles Plantation is a large house built in the traditional Creole-cottage style with 22 rooms across 2 floors, and it is surrounded by 600 acres of land. 

Throughout its history, Myrtles Plantation has survived the American Civil War, been through multiple ownership changes, became a bed and breakfast, and also then a tourist attraction as the Most Haunted House in America. It's also allegedly haunted by 12 ghosts, and today I am going to share some of the stories with you guys!

Image credit: Wikipedia/Bogdan Oporowski

The Legend of Chloe

The legend of Chloe is the most well known of the ghost stories told about Myrtles Plantation. Chloe was a servant for Sara and Clark Woodruff. The story tells the tale of Clark forcing Chloe into being his mistress. One day Chloe is caught eavesdropping on private conversations and as a punishment, one of her ears was removed and she began wearing a green turban.

Chloe decided to get revenge on the family and baked a cake laced with oleander leaves. Some believe that Chloe planned to nurse the sick back to health to regain her position in the family. However, if that was her plan it didn't work. After eating the cake Sara and two of her children passed away.

Chloe was then captured by the other slaves at the plantation and hung. They then dumped her body into the Mississippi River, possibly to avoid punishment themselves.

The story is sad but there is no actual proof that any of it happened. There is no record of the Woodruffs owning a slave called Chloe or Cloe, nor is there proof that Sara and her children died of poisoning. They all died after contracting yellow fever.

Regardless of there being no evidence to support this tale, people still believe a woman wearing a green turban wanders the plantation grounds.

The Haunted Mirror

Mirrors were usually covered in homes following a death, this was so the deceased's image didn't get trapped inside the mirror. However, there is one mirror in the plantation that appears to have been overlooked. It is said to hold the spirits of Sara and her 2 children. People have reported seeing them and their handprints in the mirror. 

Ghost Girl

A young girl has been seen at the plantation and is said to be the ghost of a young girl that died at the hands of a voodoo doctor in 1868. Legend has it that she appears in the room that she died in and practices voodoo on anybody staying there.

The Ghost of William Drew Winter

William Drew Winter is the only confirmed death to take place at the plantation. William was shot dead by a stranger on the front porch. Unfortunately, he only made it to the 17th step before he passed away. People say that his ghostly steps can still be heard and that they stop when they reach the 17th step.

Image credit: Mr Jason Hayes/Flickr

The Union Soldiers and Other Stories

The house is allegedly built on an Indian burial ground and visitors have reported seeing a young Native American Woman on the grounds. 

During the Civil War, the Plantation was looted of anything valuable, and one story is that it was robbed by Union Soldiers. As they were stealing from the plantation it's told that 3 of them were killed inside the house. 

There is also allegedly a bloodstain in the doorway of the Plantation that is roughly the size of a body. After many attempts to remove the stain, it would not budge.

Final Thoughts

Myrtles Plantation has been standing since 1796 and has been owned by many different people over the years. I honestly think a building with this much history could be haunted. I know there is proof of only one murder taking place, but I think that a lot of the stories could be true. 

What do you think? Do you believe in ghosts? Let me know down in the comments! Thank you for reading. 
35 comments on "The Myrtles Plantation | The Most Haunted House in America?"
  1. Very interesting story! It does sound like this place has some ghosts, which is something I do believe in.

    1. Thank you so much! I believe in ghosts and I honestly think a building like this must have some ghosts. I really appreciate you commenting! :)

  2. I love ghost stories! Especially near summer time c:
    The Ghost Girl sounds like the scariest story of them all ; o ;
    I enjoyed this post!

    Mari ♡ xx

    1. Thank you so much! I really appreciate you taking the time to read and comment. I'm so happy you enjoyed it! :)

  3. I'm not sure I believe in ghosts (I say this, but I imagine I'd be pretty scared if I was left alone in a dark creepy house), however I love the fact that, in spite of there being no evidence for most of these stories, that they're still around today. I like that they're still talked about and shared. I think that's pretty cool. And I'm glad you contributed to it!

    1. Thank you so much! I love reading the stories and some of them are really touching. I'm hoping to share more in the future! I am so glad you enjoyed my post. :)

  4. Thank you so, so much for writing about this! I loved the Ghost Adventures episode of The Myrtles Plantation, and went on to do some research of my own.

    Of course Chloe interested me the most (duh, she's my sister by name)!

    Wonderful post as always :D

    - Nxyie


    1. You're so welcome! I am really glad you enjoyed this post. :) Thanks so much for reading and commenting! x

  5. I think the blood stain is the creepiest part!

    1. I agree! It's like something out of a horror film. Thank you so much for commenting. :)

  6. That's so creepy but super interesting at the same time!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you so much! I really appreciate you reading and commenting. :)

  7. Another fascinating post! My only knoweldge of Myrtles Plantation comes from the episode of Ghost Adventures! I love how you have dispelled some of the myths behind the property - I find a lot of these TV shows fail to properly look into the history of a property and hype the 'ghosts' up for the show! I had no idea the plantation was so old! Looking forward to your next post! xxx

    1. Aww thank you so much! It really means a lot to me that you enjoyed my post. I appreciate you reading and leaving a comment. :)

  8. I've read about this place in a book; I can't think of the name though. Very interesting! :)

    1. Thank you so much for commenting! I really appreciate you taking the time to read my post. :)

  9. This place is definitely on my #bucketlist!! Great writing, thank you for sharing!


    1. I would really love to visit the plantation myself! Thank you so much for commenting! I am so glad you liked my post. :)

    2. I would really love to visit the plantation myself! Thank you so much for commenting! I am so glad you liked my post. :)

  10. Awesome! I love reading about old homes and learning their history. Its fascinating to me how places like this are still standing. I 100% believe it could be haunted! I mean, that's one old house haha! Maybe not all of the stories are true but you have to wonder. I think the home and land are gorgeous though. I'd love to just walk through the place!

    Renee @ Maritime Mama

    1. Thank you so much! I agree with you completely. A building with that much history, I find it hard to believe it has no ghosts! Thank you for commenting! :)

  11. I love the way you described the story, really good read.

    1. Aw thank you so much! I really appreciate you taking the time to read and comment! :)

  12. I love how much research and timetyou put into your posts, I've never heard of this but it sounds spooky!

    Ash | thisdreamsalive.wordpress.com

    1. Aww thank you! You're so kind! I'm glad you enjoyed my post and took the time to comment. Stay awesome! :)

  13. Replies
    1. Thank you so much for reading and commenting! :)

  14. Excellent post! I'm not a believer in ghosts but I do love ghost stories because I like to hear the history of places from a personal perspective which tends to get lost in official versions and only really come out in the ghost stories :)

  15. Ooh this is creepy! I agree with you, it seems like there’s so much history that there’s bound to be something paranormal going on. The mirror story is really spooky and I don’t like sharing my name with a ghost haha!

  16. I'd love to stay there and see what "vibrations" I feel....even if there aren't ghosts, it would be fun to recount the stories where stye actually happened!

  17. This is an interesting read as I like learning about haunted area. I don't know if I want to check this place out, it sounds spooky.

  18. This is so cool! I love ghost stories. The part about the mirror is super creepy! Well written!

  19. Oh my gosh this is such an interesting story! That mirror thoug oh my gosh so spooky!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

  20. Lovely ghost story. Nope, I do not believe in ghosts. I believe that the notion of a place being haunted is just a consequence of having an overactive imagination.


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